EALABA – English Amputee & Les Autres Bowls Association.
We are one of the leading bowls groups for people with a disability. Our main objective is to bring the sport of bowls to people with a disability. Since 2007, we have been providing people with a disability the opportunity to play bowls in an excellent and friendly environment. As a result, like-minded people have combined to make new friends whilst competing against others with a disability.
Our website explains all About us, what, how and when we do it. Explaining how, through our achievements, regular practice helps us. If you want more information then please Contact Us using our Contact form.

Original links go back to Stoke Mandeville Hospital hence, the importance of amputee in our title. It was decided to include players with other disabilities, Les Autres, who did not have a dedicated bowls organisation to support them. We have players with cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, autism, and others. Les Autres covers many areas including Learning Disabilities.
Our Membership page provides you with all subscription details. Telling you when annual membership starts, how mid-year joining affects the initial subscription and more. There is a nominal subscription to cover rink hire and administration costs. EALABA welcomes support from members families, supporters, and friends.
We have a small team who organise our group, you can read more about them on the Committee page.
What support does EALABA provide?
Support within EALABA and at our facility is among the very best in the country. Safety and care are prime considerations take a look here – Support at our Club
Other Support
To demonstrate help for people with their challenges, we show a range of Disability Bowls Equipment. Furthermore, we provide links to other disability Support organisations for answers to a broader range of queries.
Where else can I play bowls?
Our members play at disability-inclusive Clubs, here is a list of some Member Clubs, including their website and address details.
EALABA – welcomes…..
……..feedback about our Association, its activities and additionally this website. Above all, Clubs or organisations wishing to support us in any way, are warmly welcome to get in touch. Furthermore, expanding the opportunity for bowlers with a disability to play bowls in a common environment is important to us. Subsequently, we would welcome any assistance in achieving our aims. Please feel free to Contact Us with your views.